Northstars Shine! - 全国中学编采比赛( National Create Your Own Newspaper Competition)
Northland is delighted to share that our Northstars - Leong Jia Yuan from 2T2, Koh Zhining from 2T1 & Boo Jia Qian from 2T3 have won Commendation prize (表扬奖) in the National Create Your Own Newspaper Competition. Congratulations to our Northstars and our appreciation to their teacher, Mr Chang Zheng for guiding them.
Northstars Shine! - Historical Scene Investigation Challenge 2020 – Bronze Award
A team of Secondary 2 History students took part in the Historical Scene Investigation (HSI) Challenge 2020 organised by the National Library Board (NLB) in August this year. The theme was on Public Health: What public health-related incident or movement did Singapore experience in the period from 1900 to 2000? Compare and contrast the challenges faced and the ways they were overcome by the people in the past to the present day. The students were expected to present their conclusion to the inquiry using an A1 poster, with focus on one public-health related incident or movement Singapore had experienced and overcome. In the process, the students had to comb through National Archives for old sources on their research on Spanish Flu, and explored a wide range of sources for their research on the Covid-19 pandemic. The Humanities Department is pleased to inform that the team has been awarded the BRONZE AWARD for this challenge.
The Northstars are –
Student Names | Class | |
1 | Routray Divyajyoti | 2T1 |
2 | Anna Aaditya | 2T1 |
3 | Khalisha Rayya Imani Binte Effendi | 2T1 |
4 | Luke Goshin Bosco | 2T1 |
Congratulations Northstars and our appreciation to their History teachers, Miss Ong Lay Ching, who have guided them!
Northstars Shine! - UNSW Global English Assessment (ICAS)
As part of the English Language and Literature Department’s stretch programme, 29 students from Secondary 1-3 participated in the UNSW Global English Assessment (ICAS). The ICAS Assessment is designed to recognise and reward academic excellence. Students are assessed on their ability to apply classroom learning to new contexts using higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills. We are pleased to announce that 6 Northstars have obtained distinctions, 7 Northstars have obtained credits and 1 Northstar has obtained merit for the assessment.
They are:
Distinction | Class | |
1 | Reshanaa Elangovan | 3A1 |
2 | Li Ao | 3A1 |
3 | Destiny Stashar Phileo Stanley | 3A1 |
4 | Bosco Luke Goshin | 2T1 |
5 | Art Dimitri Ng Bin Axl Shah Ng | 1S1 |
6 | Sharlotte Anne Ye Ning Xuan | 1S1 |
Credit | Class | |
1 | Aaditya Anna | 2T1 |
2 | Khalisha Rayya Imani Effendi | 2T1 |
3 | He Yanmin Cathy | 2T2 |
4 | Chua Jia Xin | 2T2 |
5 | Chua Xander | 1S2 |
6 | Amrita Ranga | 1S2 |
7 | Fabianne Moe Sandy Saw | 1S2 |
Merit | Class | |
1 | Wanmathi Chandrasekar | 1S2 |
Congratulations Northstars and our appreciation to their English Language teachers for guiding them!